The adventures of Linda and Christopher...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First photos from Stuttgart

The view from our hotel room...

Another view from our room...

Jason, Aimee, Linda and Jaxson at a very nice Greek restaurant

German salads always look nice.  This one is a Greek German salad...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris + Linda,

    Hope you're both well, and looking forward to Christmas back in Deutschland. Just enjoyed looking at all the family photos on here. Can't believe how big Jonah and Eli are!

    We're doing fine. House-sitting for Mum and Dad at the moment, while they are off on African adventures.

    I was going to post a Christmas card, but wasn't sure where to send it. So thought I'd drop you a note on your blog.

    Really hope you both settle well in Stuttgart.

    Love from us both,
    Pete and Abi


Linda and Chris

Linda and Chris
At Aladen's in Jaffa, Israel