The adventures of Linda and Christopher...

Monday, January 18, 2010

A morning walk

I've changed to swing-shift today, so we took advantage of the morning off and took a walk along the trails around Jettingen.  This sign marks the beginning and says that there are 40 signs along the 3.7 Km (2.5 miles)path so wanderers can learn about the trees as they walk - and we did!

This bench is at the beginning and reads "With a friend by your side, no path is too difficult."

Some of the paths are still covered with snow.

Others are pretty clear.

On of the MANY signs you see around Germany - cars and motorcycles are forbidden on this path.
So what makes the tire tracks??

This one's just a nice border that we may copy in Maine.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jaxson's warming to Germany...

We were worried at first about Jaxson getting along without Jade.  He really did seem to miss her.
As you can see, he's making himself quite at home.

But, while Jaxson's warming, Germany is getting colder - and whiter - by the day.

The village roads are terrible, but the Autobahn is pretty clear.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Around the house

We've had lots of requests for pictures in and around the house, so here you go.  But first, I know a lot of you in the US have gotten snow.  Roads were RED here since Friday at about noon.  The snow was so bad they closed everything - except my office.  We're expected to be at work no matter what...

When you come in the front door, the kitchen is off to the right, bathroom with shower to the left, and straight ahead is this stairwell - up to the bedrooms, down to the celler - and the door into the living room.

Looking back at the front door.

This is the living room.  Not a lot of furniture at the moment.  We'll buy as we go along.

The living room facing the dining room.  It's not ready for photos yet...

 The upstairs bathroom with a bidet.

 Looking back the other direction in the bathroom.

Our bedroom.  This door leads out to a small balcony.

 One of the guest rooms.

 The marble stairs leading back downstairs.

 Out the back door.

 This is one of the buildings near where I work.  My building isn't so attractive - computer rooms seldom are.

I drive through this tunnel every day on the 30 minute journey to work.  Germans are very green.  They don't like to displace a lot of nature just to accomodate people, so instead of moving the mountain, like we do, they tunnel through them.

 Looking down at the village of Herrenberg, the closest big(ish) city to our little "Jettingen".

 This is one of the little villages I drive through.  There are LOTS of 'fachwerk' houses, the Tutor style with exposed wooden beams.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Belated post

Ok, so we're (I am) a bit late.  We've been so busy with all the aspects of moving that we're letting the ball drop on some of the things that seem small - the things that keep us close.

So, on that note, here's a few photos of our house...

It needs to be spruced up a bit, but winter is a bit bland...

This castle is about a half an hour South of us.

Jonah opening one of his presents.

Jaxson watching everything.

Linda, opening her stocking by the Christmas fig tree.

We had a great day at the Stuttgart Weinachts Markt (Christmas Market).

Jonah enjoyed holding the leash.  I'm not convinced that Jaxson was entheusiastic.

Chris Moody decorated the house by himself.  We figured that we hadn't really been in the house that long, and Christmas is really about family anyway...  Chris reminded us that sometimes, small things matter.

Chris, Amy and Jonah

More of Chris Moody's decorating genius.

Helmut and Jonah

Jonah loved the music boxes.

and the snow...

I don't normally do breakfast, but this was just too good to pass up.  Notice the dishes...

Our house is still pretty bare, but I'll put some photos on in the next few days.  If I don't, send me an e-mail to remind me...  I get wrapped up in the day to day stuff of having a real job for a change.

Linda and Chris

Linda and Chris
At Aladen's in Jaffa, Israel