The adventures of Linda and Christopher...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another guest

We found this little guy scampering across our lawn today...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Another guest at the feeder

We had another guest at the bird feeder. This time it was one of our own...

Trees are starting to change

It's hard to see, but this family of ducks (bottom left of the pond) have been living in our pond for the last few months.

Belfast from the bridge...

Colors are really starting to come out now.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall fell with the scent of a skunk...

It's difficult to see, but just to the left of the blue rope below is a skunk. We've had a lot of them around this year. Well, Jade caught one this evening. She's sleeping outside covered in tomatoe juice. The stench is UNBELIEVABLE! Unfortunately the smell goes through walls!
Here is Jade before...

The trees along Goose River (a stream from Swan Lake) seem to turn earlier than anywhere else.

We've got lots of wild daisys around our ponds

Unfortunately we also have a lot of goldenrod...
The chicks are nearly fully grown now, but they're still not laying eggs...
These last three were left off my last post. Chris Moody and I went fishing and caught three fish... and lost a rod.

Linda and Chris

Linda and Chris
At Aladen's in Jaffa, Israel